Design consistent .NET MAUI XAML pages by using shared resources

NET-資源檔編輯器.NETFrameworkWindowsResourceEditor.v3.0(2023/09/26),153KBSupported.NETFrameworkv4.0+.MicrosoftResXSchema(*.resX)v2 ...,Thisisasmallutilityapplicationthatenablesyoutoeditstringresourcesfrommultipledifferentresourcefilestogetherinsi...。參考影片的文章的如下:


NET Framework Windows Resource Editor

NET - 資源檔編輯器.NET Framework Windows Resource Editor. v3.0 (2023/09/26), 153KB Supported .NET Framework v4.0+. Microsoft ResX Schema (*.resX) v2 ...

Zeta Resource Editor

This is a small utility application that enables you to edit string resources from multiple different resource files together inside one single data grid.

Winres.exe (Windows 資源當地語系化編輯器)

使用Windows 資源當地語系化編輯器Winres.exe。 此視覺化配置工具可協助當地語系化專家將表單所使用的Windows Forms UI 資源當地語系化。

建立.NET 應用程式的資源檔

製作.NET 應用程式的資源檔。 以程式設計方式建置包含字串資源、XML 或二進位檔案的文字檔,或包含字串、影像或物件資料的XML 檔案。

Visual Studio resource editor

I am trying to view a .resx file in the resource editor in Visual Studio, but Visual Studio is unable to open it with this program.

Is there any visual editor for .resource files

I found the tool which allows to edit .resource files, that is Resource.Net. You can find the app by following to the link

Resource Editor .NET

The Resource Editor .NET allows you to add bitmaps, icons and resource strings to use in your assemblies by making use of the classes in the ...

A .NET resource editor application for .resx files

It is a very simple app, which only does what it is supposed to do – edit resource files. No more, no less. The only added feature is a security ...

Edit .NET string resources in parallel

Zeta Resource Editor is a free application that enables you to edit standard Microsoft .NET string resources from multiple different resource files together ...

Online manual

Zeta Resource Editor is a small utility application that enables you to edit standard Microsoft .NETstring resources from multiple different resource files ...


NET-資源檔編輯器.NETFrameworkWindowsResourceEditor.v3.0(2023/09/26),153KBSupported.NETFrameworkv4.0+.MicrosoftResXSchema(*.resX)v2 ...,Thisisasmallutilityapplicationthatenablesyoutoeditstringresourcesfrommultipledifferentresourcefilestogetherinsideonesingledatagrid.,使用Windows資源當地語系化編輯器Winres.exe。此視覺化配置工具可協助當地語系化專家將表單所使用的WindowsFormsUI資源當地語系化。,製作....